"if I could envision a future aviation/logistical industry company logo, it would have to be.. well.. different"
Creating mock projects are great because you practically have no rules or boundaries, leaving your mind open to create some amazing visual identities to help build the portfolio. After watching countless movies set in the future, I wanted to envision what it would be like to create a logo for a future logistics company. An icon that can be seen in the background billboard on some dystopian street in a ‘blade runner’ like movie .
So I came up with ‘epsilon industries’. The logo envisions the prospect of flight, trust and efficiency built within the rising wing/robotic Phoenix icon. The symmetry of the wings looks great from a distance and also stand out if placed, for instance on the wing on a cargo airplane. 
Having just the icon by itself adds both curiosity and intrigue to ask yourself more about this company. An icon, that in future renditions can survive even without the logotype. The polygon theme sets itself nicely for upcoming trends and can easily be used in media both present and  future. Just imagine seeing this on billboards, at the airport, on the airplane.. or even on top of a hover self driving taxi. 

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